I supervise students in the MA in Media Studies Program and the PhD Program in Communication Studies in the Department of Communication Studies at Concordia University.
Supervisor for PhD thesis entitled “Artificial Intelligence & Algorithmic Mediations: Affect, Power, and Subjectivation on Kaggle” by Luciano Frizzera, PhD in Communication Studies
Supervisor for MA thesis entitled “Post Memes or Post-Meme: TikTok and the Rise of Algorithmic Meme Cultures” by Saskia Kowalchuk, MA in Media Studies (1 SSHRC)
Supervisor for MA thesis entitled “Procurement Circuit under Machine Learning Political Order: Governance of, through, and for AI” by Meaghan Wester, MA in Media Studies (1 SSHRC)
Supervisor for MA thesis entitled “Hacking AI Governance: Exploring the Democratic Potential of Canada’s Algorithmic Impact Assessment” by Nick Gertler, MA in Media Studies (1 SSHRC, 1 FRQ-SC)
Supervisor for MA major research paper by Beatrice Sunderland, MA in Media Studies
Supervisor for MA thesis entitled “Desire for Data: PornHub and the Platformization of a Culture Industry” by Margaret MacDonald, MA in Media Studies
Supervisor for MA thesis entitled “Round PEG in a Square Hole? Defining Community Media for the Digital Age” by Tom Hackbarth, MA in Media Studies
Supervisor for MA Major Research Paper entitled “A Part of Our Heritage: The Canadian Multicultural Mosaic & the Broadcasting of Identity” by Shanae Blaquiere, MA in Media Studies
Supervisor for MA thesis entitled “The Heart’s Content: Media and Marketing after the Attention Economy” by Rob Hunt, MA in Media Studies
Supervisor for MA Thesis entitled “Smart City or How to Go to City Hall through the Cloud” by Marianne Côté.
Supervisor for MA Major Research Paper entitled “Should the Freedom of Political Speech Be Limited? Investigating the Case of Political Advertising Regulations in Canada” by Adam Okune
Supervisor for MA Thesis entitled “Shit Harper Did: From viral videos to a community speaking truth to power?” by Jill Piebiak